You are a complex and unique entity … a human being composed of several members of human organization, both physical and subtle; tangible and intangible. Since every human being is unique and special, it is natural to conclude that your medical needs should also be approached individually. By allowing scientific and nature-based knowledge to work symbiotically in treating discomforts, maladies and diseases, we can guide you toward an informed and individualized path to wellness. What is the “human-centered” approach? The human-centered approach re-emphasizes the importance of seeing a person in totality as a way to objectively observe and identify the underlying causes of a disease or disturbance in the organism; The human-centered approach enables you to become a responsible and active participant in a therapeutic process which you can easily understand and implement; The human-centered approach fosters an understanding of the roots of the condition and how they connect to the correct therapeutic approach to healing; The human-centered approach utilizes the wealth of both modern and traditional knowledge to establish the criteria for each individual’s development and fulfillment in attaining lasting well-being

The New Paradigm in Science & Medicine

Why are so many people moving away from the conventional "reductionist medicine?"
In the recent decades, and not at all by accident, the disadvantages of modern conventional medicine have led to a steady increase in so-called alternative, complementary, and integrative medical practice. In some cases patients seek to be really listened to, heard, and understood. In other cases they are profoundly dissatisfied with ineffectiveness of standard conventional medical therapies and procedures. Conventional medical system is based upon the assumption that life is a closed system and claims for itself the monopoly of the word "scientific." Modern medical science adopted materialism as its chief premise and therefore limited itself to viewing human body and nature as mere machines and chemicals. Seeing all of life and human beings as closed systems inevitably leads to reductionism - the method that claims that any complex idea, system, or phenomenon can be completely understood in terms of its simpler parts or components. Applied to human beings, reductionism produces a mechanical, machine-like description: human bodies are bundles of chemicals, cells, tissues, and organs which can break down and may be "fixed" by administering chemicals as medicines or replacing bodily organs when they are no longer work properly. The reductionist method in natural science has led to self-imposed scientific "blindness" in exchange for the illusion of clarity.

When should I seek holistic counseling instead of allopathic medicine?

Undoubtedly, the modern level of medical technology brought enormous improvements in the sphere of emergency medicine, traumatology, orthopedics, and in the management of life threatening situations. However, in the realm of internal medicine the contemporary conventional medicine functions on the level of symptoms management only. Some medical historians believe that today's conventional medicine has no professed therapeutic principle from which it prescribes. Highly acclaimed "success" of modern medical science in providing health care services reflects the modern materialistic paradigm, which can grasp only the tangible, visible, or physically detectable part of human organization. Therefore, in the context of conventional medicine, any therapeutic intervention inevitably concerns only the material part of human being - the physical body. By modern evidence-based medical standards, the practice of obtaining tissue samples and studying them under microscope became customary in order to obtain a medical diagnosis. This diagnostic method, so proudly proclaimed as evidence-based and impeccably objective, observes in all multiple and frequently unnecessary detail only the end result of a disease process. It cannot detect the subtle on-going morbid conditions, the interplay of vital forces and processes that have led to gradual formation of the morbid tissue. Simply put, we look but we do not see.

So does this "new scientific paradigm" offer the "best of both worlds?"
It is becoming more and more evident that, in order to grasp the essence of a human being in reality, reductionism and simplification will not lead to a complete, true image of man. Materialistic, mechanical thinking will not give true answers to questions concerning health, disease, birth, development, aging, eventual death, and purpose of human life. Materialism reduces us to two-dimensional beings, takes away the depth of our human experience, makes us into accidental, predictable, and fearful beings. Human beings are much more than mechanical physical bodies and simple chemical processes. A human being, in addition to the tangible and visible physical body, possesses the vital body (etheric body, organized life forces), the sentient body (soul body, sensations, feelings), and the I-organization (ego, spiritual body). Thus, in order to properly penetrate the complexity of any morbid condition, the entire human organization must be examined and understood in its reality. This process of observation and understanding can be viewed as seeing into the phenomena, as opposed to merely looking at the objects. Therefore, the still dominant Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm in natural science should be enriched and eventually replaced by the new scientific paradigm which would include human soul and spirit as indispensable realities of life. 


4453 Penn Ave., Suite 8
Sinking Spring 19608, US

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This website does not constitute a doctor-patient relationship. There is no intent, implied or conveyed to replace existing or future physician services. Ruta Comprehensive Holistic Counseling will not be involved in the establishment of or altering a medical diagnosis, and it will not interfere with existing prescription medications. Anyone who suspects they may have any type of urgent medical need should immediately contact their healthcare provider or seek emergency assistance by calling 911.

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