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What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a method of treatment of illnesses with minute doses of mineral, plant-derived, and biological substances. In this method, remedial substances are specially prepared to activate the body's own resources for healing. The main principle of Homeopathy is similar treats similar. A homeopathic practitioner observes the patient’s physical and psychologic state to select the most effective management. Homeopathic remedies are safe, free of side effects, cannot be overdosed, and may be given with other treatments and medications.

Healthy nutrition 

Balanced and healthy diet is very important for maintaining vibrant health. Nutrition has two very distinct aspects: it provides nourishment for sustenance and restoration of the body; it can also serve as a potent therapeutic and detoxification measure. Good understanding and intelligent  implementation of nutritional principles will ensure optimal health.  

What is natural detoxification?

Our world today is overloaded with environmental toxins, our bodies are exposed daily to hundreds and thousands of toxic substances in the water, air, soil, and our food. Public health experts and environmental agencies report ever increasing levels of pollution that endanger our health. We can observe detrimental tendencies in public health such as numerous allergies, skin disorders, respiratory illnesses, asthma, developmental disorders, autoimmune conditions, and many other chronic health challenges. Toxic chemicals get into our bodies and disrupt normal functions of the organs. Is there any hope for us? Yes. Natural detoxification can be achieved by introducing certain foods and herbal teas in the diet. This is referred to as Therapeutic Nutrition method. Another great asset is highly advanced Biotherapeutic Drainage detoxification system that is designed to rid the organism of many toxic accumulations. Specially prepared UNDA numbered homeopathic compounds stimulate elimination of toxic substances from the body in a gentle and safe way. 

How homeopathic medicine works for you

Homeopathy was created and developed as a therapeutic method by Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (1755 -1843). He was a German physician, proficient translator of scientific and medical manuscripts and teacher of languages. The most important principle of homeopathy is like cures like. In contrast to homeopathy, allopathy is the method of treatment by conventional drugs or surgery having opposite effects to the symptoms of disease. Allopathy works against the symptoms and targets specific organs and their receptors, homeopathy works in alignment with the morbid process and strengthens the body's ability to bring satisfactory resolution to an ailment. 

Nutrition as therapy

"Our food should be our medicine, and our medicine should be our food."

Nutrition is important for replenishing energies and substances of the body. We humans are different, and each person would benefits from a particular, individually tailored diet. Various nutritive substances affect the organism in most diverse ways: certain foods strengthen the brain, lymph and blood, other types of food are good for organs of breathing, digestion, immune system, and circulation. Finding out the individual dietary needs and recommending a corresponding diet for every person are very important parts of the therapeutic process. 

Benefits of natural detoxification

Our world today is overloaded with environmental toxins, our bodies are exposed daily to hundreds and thousands of toxic substances in the water, air, soil, and our food. These harmful chemicals get into our bodies and accumulate in tissues and organs causing many health concerns. Natural detoxification can be achieved by introducing certain foods, natural supplements and herbal teas in the diet. Another great asset is Biotherapeutic Drainage detoxification system that is designed to rid the organism of many toxic accumulations. Specially prepared UNDA numbered homeopathic compounds stimulate elimination of toxic substances from the body in a gentle and safe way.

    Clinical Homeopathy

Homeopathy, or homeopathic medicine, is a holistic system of treatment that originated in the late eighteenth century. The name homeopathy is derived from two Greek words that mean "like disease." The system is based on the idea that substances that produce symptoms of sickness in healthy people will have a curative effect when given in very dilute quantities to sick people who exhibit those same symptoms. Homeopathic remedies are believed to stimulate the body's own healing processes. Homeopaths use the term "allopathy," or "different than disease," to describe the use of drugs used in conventional medicine to oppose or counteract the symptom being treated. Clinical Homeopathic physicians, who are both medical doctors and trained homeopaths, seek to cure their patients on the physical, mental and emotional levels. Homeopathy is generally a safe treatment using medicines in extremely diluted quantities, and there are usually minimal side effects. Its non-toxicity makes it a good choice for the treatment of children. Another benefit of homeopathy is the cost of treatments; homeopathic remedies are inexpensive, often a fraction of the cost of conventional drugs. Homeopathic treatment has been shown effective in treating many conditions including infections, circulatory problems, respiratory problems, heart disease, depression and nervous disorders, migraine headaches, allergies, arthritis, and diabetes. Homeopathy is an excellent treatment to explore for acute and chronic illnesses, particularly if these are found in the early stages and where there is not severe damage.

 Anthroposophically   Extended    Medicine

"Anthroposophically extended medicine is not an 'alternative medicine'– it doesn't aim to replace conventional medicine. On the contrary – it is based on accepted medical science; it just takes things a step further. Or in other words, anthroposophic medicine makes use of everything that scientific research has revealed to be of benefit to the human being. Moreover it supplements 'material science' with aspects of spiritual science in order to assess the individual as a whole entity. For instance, this may include body language, personal history, breathing, and many other aspects besides– all of which determine an individual's personality. Anthroposophic medicine therefore attempts to include the individuality of the patient, as well as the accepted features of an illness, in the treatment process. For just as each person is unique, so is each treatment – even though some may appear to apply to many people. Anthroposophic medicine is not pre-determined. It avoids protocol. Even if, owing to their characteristic features, the same disease pictures constantly recur, each illness manifests itself differently in each patient – a manifestation inseparable from the uniqueness of the individual. Anthroposophic medicine therefore aims to form a picture of the physical, psychological, and personal circumstances that have paved the way for an illness to take hold. Taking such factors into consideration during diagnosis and therapy and re-applying the process to every new patient, guided by scientific findings, medical experience, personal discernment, and disciplined intuition, is fundamental to anthroposophic medicine. Any medicine that ignores the person as an individual cannot claim to be true human medicine. "
SOURCE: Physicians' Association for Anthroposophic Medicine


4453 Penn Ave., Suite 8
Sinking Spring 19608, US

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This website does not constitute a doctor-patient relationship. There is no intent, implied or conveyed to replace existing or future physician services. Ruta Comprehensive Holistic Counseling will not be involved in the establishment of or altering a medical diagnosis, and it will not interfere with existing prescription medications. Anyone who suspects they may have any type of urgent medical need should immediately contact their healthcare provider or seek emergency assistance by calling 911.

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