stainless steel bowls on table near framed photos

RUTA Homeopathic & Complementary Medicine
- Homeopathy
- Nutrition
- Natural Detoxification

Dr. Serguei Krissiouk

Call (646) 204-9199 or email at

Here you can find solutions to your health issues

Human-Centered Approach in Homeopathy and Complementary Medicine

We provide natural holistic options for many health concerns including:

- Mood disorders (depression, anxiety)
- Autism spectrum disorders
- Allergies and skin conditions
- Arthritis, gout
- Chronic fatigue and headache
- High blood pressure
- Detoxification 
- Metabolic disorders and diabetes
- Heart disease and stroke
- Eating disorders
- Digestive issues
- Constipation
-Flatulence, bloating
- Chronic inflammatory diseases
- Chronic pain
-Vaccination support
- Insomnia
- Thyroid conditions
- Motion sickness, vertigo
- And much more...


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4453 Penn Ave., Suite 8
Sinking Spring 19608, US

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This website does not constitute a doctor-patient relationship. There is no intent, implied or conveyed to replace existing or future physician services. Ruta Comprehensive Holistic Counseling will not be involved in the establishment of or altering a medical diagnosis, and it will not interfere with existing prescription medications. Anyone who suspects they may have any type of urgent medical need should immediately contact their healthcare provider or seek emergency assistance by calling 911.

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